
How to Protect Your Important Information Online

How to Protect Your Important Information Online

How to Protect Your Important Information Online

  • "Tips and Tricks"
  • Educational

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With the internet easily accessible in most regions of the world, the risk of identity theft has increased in recent years. Increased risk may have you wondering how you can protect yourself from cyber criminals. AmeriCash Loans has come up with few tips to ensure you are taking precautions in order to protect your personal information.

Review Social Media Profiles
The popularity of social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn has given cyber criminals easy access to an infinite amount of personal information. The “About Me” section which is common on almost every social platform may seem harmless but the information or lack of info that you provide is crucial to keeping your online identity safe. Sections like address, phone number, age and school history should be avoided if possible. The less information you provide in these fields, the less of a chance a hacker can steal your identity. Another essential social media tip is to change your setting to “private”. This settings change assures that only your friends or connections can view your posts, profile and private information.

Password Variety
While it can be very tedious and annoying to remember all of your passwords due to the number of active accounts you frequent, it is vital to use slight variation on passwords being used to access important online sign-ins such as banking profiles or anywhere you provide credit card credentials. If you decide to use one universal password for the sake of ease you will regret it when your account is cracked by a cyber thief who now can easily access all of your personal accounts.

Use Caution When Reading Emails
The average American receives roughly 40 emails a day. A large percentage of those emails are advertisements sent buy online retailers where you have previously entered you email address. The spike in email advertising over the past few years has led to the era of phishing. These types of messages are spam emails meant to look identical to trusted websites.These scammers normally present a link that leads to a fake website where they will ask for personal information. If you do end up entering your information you will at risk for eventual identity theft. Cyber criminals have been able to make some pretty realistic imitation emails so be sure to be wary the next time you go through your inbox.

Use Trusted Websites
Whenever you are using websites that require your social security number or any financial information, make sure the website is a trusted business. Do your research prior to using or agreeing to share your financial credentials. This valuable information is sacred and could potentially cost you thousands of dollars in damages if it fell into the wrong hands.

We hope these tips help to protect you from potential identity theft. At AmeriCash Loans we pride ourselves on customer security and support. AmeriCash is a trusted online lender that can help you get a cash loan quickly and easily. Apply online now to get a quick and easy installment loan!
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