Join AmeriCash Loans at the Level Up Community Resource Fair
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AmeriCash Loans is excited to be attending the Level Up Community Resource Fair and hopes to see you there! Come and see other vendors form the community to learn more about your resources and local businesses. AmeriCash Loans will have a booth there and we welcome you to come see us and learn more about our installment loans and personal loans for everyone. Other vendors at the fair will include information on education, career placement, social services, housing, mental health and more! If you are from the Humbolt Park, Garfield Park, Lawndale, Austin, and surrounding neighborhoods you are encouraged to attend the event in Chicago. If you are looking for a “free event near me” the event in Chicago aims to help people “Level Up”.
Our Community Involvement
AmeriCash Loans is going to have a booth at the fair on Wednesday April 16th from 12pm to 4pm. The event in Chicago will have plenty of information about us and installment loans or personal loans for those with bad credit. However, this is not the first community event in Chicago we have participated in. Recently, AmeriCash Loans has sponsored the Cooper River Bridge Run in South Carolina. This is a huge community event and even has people coming in from other states to run in the race. The race is also televised and gets national attention. Along with the race, AmeriCash Loans sponsors youth sports leagues across the country including Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, and South Carolina. Our sponsorship offsets the cost of uniforms, enrollment fees and equipment. The lowered cost allows for more kids to participate and lets the organization focus more on the kids.
Find a Free Event near Me
AmeriCash Loans also has a passion for keeping the community informed on different topics and events with our blog at AmeriCashLoans.net. We write on topics such as volunteering opportunities, food drives, tips on keeping your personal information safe, promoting any community event, money saving ideas and many more topics! We even have a job fair coming up that we have promoted on our blog. AmeriCash Loans wants to provide jobs to the community and loves to host events that gives opportunities to the local public. If you are thinking, “I am looking for a free event near me” then keep your eyes on our blog for another community event.
Donations and Giveaways
Other than providing the public with jobs, AmeriCash Loans provides the community with giveaways and donations. Our recent Garth Brooks tickets giveaway attracted a large crowd and provided a platform that brought the community together. Beyond giving out tickets, AmeriCash Loans also held a Spring Cleaning Fund Raiser to raise money for the Des Plaines Food Pantry. At the fundraiser we sold some promotional items from the previous year. The money raised from the sale was then matched to double our donation to the food pantry.
AmeriCash Loans is committed to serving the community with donations, sponsorships and personal loans for everyone as well as installment loans. Come and see us at the Level Up Community Fair on April 16th! It’s a free event in Chicago, located at the Homan Square Atrium 3517 W. Arthington, Chicago, IL 60624. Meet us at our booth or visit our website at AmeriCashLoans.net to learn more about our installment loans and personal loans for all situations. You can get a loan up to $4,000 in as little as 24 hours!
Our Community Involvement
AmeriCash Loans is going to have a booth at the fair on Wednesday April 16th from 12pm to 4pm. The event in Chicago will have plenty of information about us and installment loans or personal loans for those with bad credit. However, this is not the first community event in Chicago we have participated in. Recently, AmeriCash Loans has sponsored the Cooper River Bridge Run in South Carolina. This is a huge community event and even has people coming in from other states to run in the race. The race is also televised and gets national attention. Along with the race, AmeriCash Loans sponsors youth sports leagues across the country including Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, and South Carolina. Our sponsorship offsets the cost of uniforms, enrollment fees and equipment. The lowered cost allows for more kids to participate and lets the organization focus more on the kids.
Find a Free Event near Me
AmeriCash Loans also has a passion for keeping the community informed on different topics and events with our blog at AmeriCashLoans.net. We write on topics such as volunteering opportunities, food drives, tips on keeping your personal information safe, promoting any community event, money saving ideas and many more topics! We even have a job fair coming up that we have promoted on our blog. AmeriCash Loans wants to provide jobs to the community and loves to host events that gives opportunities to the local public. If you are thinking, “I am looking for a free event near me” then keep your eyes on our blog for another community event.
Donations and Giveaways
Other than providing the public with jobs, AmeriCash Loans provides the community with giveaways and donations. Our recent Garth Brooks tickets giveaway attracted a large crowd and provided a platform that brought the community together. Beyond giving out tickets, AmeriCash Loans also held a Spring Cleaning Fund Raiser to raise money for the Des Plaines Food Pantry. At the fundraiser we sold some promotional items from the previous year. The money raised from the sale was then matched to double our donation to the food pantry.
AmeriCash Loans is committed to serving the community with donations, sponsorships and personal loans for everyone as well as installment loans. Come and see us at the Level Up Community Fair on April 16th! It’s a free event in Chicago, located at the Homan Square Atrium 3517 W. Arthington, Chicago, IL 60624. Meet us at our booth or visit our website at AmeriCashLoans.net to learn more about our installment loans and personal loans for all situations. You can get a loan up to $4,000 in as little as 24 hours!