Beat the Heat on the Cheap
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Summer is often filled with fun and excitement, but those high electric bills from running the AC can put a damper on things. Luckily, staying cool doesn't always mean sitting inside and blasting the air. At AmeriCash Loans, we've come up with a list of five ways to chill out — literally — this summer without breaking the bank. They're all pretty fun, too.
Find a Public Pool
Swimming is the ultimate activity for staying cool during the summer, and you can get some exercise while you do it. If you have a public pool in your neighborhood, you can typically use it for a small fee, and it's fun for the whole family. Best of all, spending the afternoon in the water can help you stay cool through the evening and night.
Make DIY Ice Cream
Eating cold foods can definitely help you to stay cool, and what's the best cold food on the planet? Ice cream, of course. DIY ice cream is a fun way to cool off and get the entire family involved. Find recipes online or invest in a DIY ice cream maker. You can typically buy one for less than $50 at your favorite big box store or online.
Plan Indoor Activities
Mid-July may not be the optimal time for going to the park or zoo if you're trying to stay cool, but getting out to enjoy some indoor activities away from home means someone else is footing the bill for the AC. Go to the movies, hang out in the mall, check out that new arcade, visit a local museum, or take the kids to the trampoline park. Just be sure to turn your own air off or up while you're not home to save money on your utility bills.
Grab the Hose
If you don't have a public pool nearby, it doesn't mean you can't take advantage of the water. Just use your water hose. Get a kiddy pool to soak in, or set up the sprinkler and chase the kids through it. Not only will it cool you down, but it's also a fun way to create summer memories.
Use a Portable Fan
When temperatures are warming up, you can usually get away with cooling down a room with a portable fan for a while before you crank up the AC. You can also use it at night and in the morning, before the sun heats up for the day. Plan game nights and movie nights in front of the portable fan so that everyone is gathered in one place, taking advantage of the cool air.
Still having trouble paying those high summer electric bills? Turn to AmeriCash Loans for a fast and secure installment loan. Apply online now to get funded as soon as tomorrow or visit a store location to pick up your check!
Find a Public Pool
Swimming is the ultimate activity for staying cool during the summer, and you can get some exercise while you do it. If you have a public pool in your neighborhood, you can typically use it for a small fee, and it's fun for the whole family. Best of all, spending the afternoon in the water can help you stay cool through the evening and night.
Make DIY Ice Cream
Eating cold foods can definitely help you to stay cool, and what's the best cold food on the planet? Ice cream, of course. DIY ice cream is a fun way to cool off and get the entire family involved. Find recipes online or invest in a DIY ice cream maker. You can typically buy one for less than $50 at your favorite big box store or online.
Plan Indoor Activities
Mid-July may not be the optimal time for going to the park or zoo if you're trying to stay cool, but getting out to enjoy some indoor activities away from home means someone else is footing the bill for the AC. Go to the movies, hang out in the mall, check out that new arcade, visit a local museum, or take the kids to the trampoline park. Just be sure to turn your own air off or up while you're not home to save money on your utility bills.
Grab the Hose
If you don't have a public pool nearby, it doesn't mean you can't take advantage of the water. Just use your water hose. Get a kiddy pool to soak in, or set up the sprinkler and chase the kids through it. Not only will it cool you down, but it's also a fun way to create summer memories.
Use a Portable Fan
When temperatures are warming up, you can usually get away with cooling down a room with a portable fan for a while before you crank up the AC. You can also use it at night and in the morning, before the sun heats up for the day. Plan game nights and movie nights in front of the portable fan so that everyone is gathered in one place, taking advantage of the cool air.
Still having trouble paying those high summer electric bills? Turn to AmeriCash Loans for a fast and secure installment loan. Apply online now to get funded as soon as tomorrow or visit a store location to pick up your check!