

AmeriCash Loans Online Scam Information

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In an ongoing effort to keep our customers informed and aware, AmeriCash Loans has some information concerning a recent online scam using AmeriCash Loans’ name to attempt to get individuals to share information and even send cash to an unofficial email address that is NOT associated with AmeriCash Loans.

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AmeriCash Loans Customers Fight Back Against CFPB

  • "AmeriCash Loans"
  • "Giving Back To The Community"
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Over the past two months AmeriCash Loans has held a campaign which opposed a rule change suggested by the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). As of October 12, 2016 the industry leading loan provider compiled 2,168 handwritten letters from customers and worried Americans who expressed their displeasure in the proposed CFPB law change. The 8 week campaign took place at 66 AmeriCash Locations across Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri and South Carolina.

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