

Financial New Year’s Resolution Check In

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It’s been almost a month since you made your list of financial New Year’s resolutions. It’s a great time to check in on them and make sure you’re on track before heading into February. If you’ve been successful this month, congrats! Just keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll stay on budget all year long. If not, don’t worry – this is an awesome opportunity to reassess, learn from your mistakes, and move forward successfully next month.

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How to Recover from a Blown Holiday Budget

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It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the holidays and overspend. However, blowing your budget for holiday gifts, parties, and dinners can leave you without the money you need to pay your regular bills in January, only adding to the post-holiday blues. The situation can feel even more hopeless if you racked up debt by buying items during the holidays that you couldn’t afford, taking out a payment plan or buying them on credit. Keep reading for tips on how you can recover from a blown holiday budget and pay back holiday debt.

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Checklist: Your Financial New Year

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It’s almost the New Year – and that means we’re thinking of all of the things we’d like to be better at in the next 365 days. New Year’s resolutions come in many forms, focusing on fitness, health, and career success, but it’s rare that we set financial New Year’s resolutions to increase our monetary well-being. In this article, you’ll find 5 financial resolutions that’ll help you get in tip-top financial shape over the next year. Some are easy, some are hard, but all of them are achievable and will make you a more financially rounded individual.

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Smart Shopping: Post-Holiday Deals and Sales on a Budget

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The days following the holidays are some of the biggest shopping days of the year. Stores and online retailers want to get rid of their merchandise to make room for next year’s supply, so most of them are offering great deals and big sales. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the sale and blow your budget. However, stick with the tips in the article below and you’ll stay on track.

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AmeriCash Loans Featured by Marketing Automation Leader Marketo as a Cutting Edge User Group in the Lending and Financial Services SectorPreeminent installment loan provider AmeriCash Loans was featured in a case study by best-in-class marketing-auto

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Preeminent installment loan provider AmeriCash Loans was featured in a case study by best-in-class marketing-automation software provider Marketo showcasing AmeriCash’s implementation of their product to improve communication with customers and drive new business.  AmeriCash Loans takes pride in its mission to build lasting, concrete relationships with its customers. To further that mission, the lender leverages the most cutting-edge technology to simplify and customize its communication with borrowers.

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Homeowners: Keeping Heating and Electric Costs Down

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With holiday lights and decorations, parties that require lots of baking and cooking, and colder temperatures trying to pull the heat from your home, it’s no wonder that heating and electricity bills increase during the holiday months. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck or stretching an already tight budget this holiday season, increased heating and electric costs could break the bank. Using the tips in this article and a little creativity, you can still have a holiday season that’s festive and bright, without blasting your budget. 

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Getting Back in the Gym on the Cheap

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The best way to save money at the gym is to avoid a gym membership altogether and work out outside. However, as the weather cools and snow starts to fall, working out outdoors becomes impractical, if not impossible. Getting back in the gym doesn’t have to cost a fortune, and the tips below will help you save money on a new gym membership.

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Budget Hack: DIY Fall Décor

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As we work our way through August, summer is slowly fading into fall. Temperatures are cooling and it’s almost time to start drinking cider, carving pumpkins, and raking leaves. During autumn, it’s fun to make the inside of your home feel as festive as the leaves outside, and decorating your house doesn’t have to mean spending a lot of money. You can save cash by getting creative making your own Fall décor this year. We’ve got some ideas below to help get your creativity going!

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10 Easy Ways to Save Money Today

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Are you saving money up for a big vacation? Do you want to build your savings account but don’t feel you have extra money? Saving money seems a lot less daunting when you do it just a little bit at a time – and even small amounts will add up before you know it. You can make these ten simple changes in your life to start saving money today. 

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Back to School: Saving on School Supplies

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Temperatures are still warm, but summer is drawing to a close, and that means it’s just about back to school time again. If you have kids, this can be an expensive time of year, as back to school often demands all new school supplies, school uniforms, sports fees, field trip costs, and another year of tuition. However, using the simple tips in this article, you can save money this back to school season and focus less on your finances and more on the excitement of the new school year.

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